Tobacco Free MCLA Policy

Effective date: August 1, 2018

I. Individuals Affected by this Policy:

All individuals on Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts’ campus.

II. Policy Statement:

MCLA is a tobacco-free campus. Smoking and other tobacco use is prohibited on all property owned or operated by Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA). This consists of all buildings, all grounds, including exterior open spaces, parking lots, on-campus sidewalks, roadways and driveways, recreational spaces and practice facilities; and in all College-owned or leased vehicles. Tobacco use is also prohibited in private vehicles, located anywhere on campus.

III. Rationale for Policy:

MCLA is committed to promoting a healthy and safe environment for everyone on campus. This policy is intended to reduce the health risks related to second-hand and other adverse effects of smoke and other tobacco use for the campus community, providing a healthy learning and working environment. MCLA recognizes the medical evidence that indicates that smoking and other tobacco use is a serious health hazard, and that this health hazard extends to non-smokers subjected to second-hand and other effects of smoke and other tobacco use.

IV. Definition:

Smoking and other tobacco use shall include the burning of tobacco or any other material. It shall also include smokeless tobacco use, and the use of unregulated nicotine products.

Smokeless devices - While electronic cigarettes (or e-cigarettes) are marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking and are used to assist users in their efforts to quit smoking, the use of electronic, simulated smoking materials including cigarettes, pipes and cigars, is also prohibited under this policy.

V. Policy Compliance and Procedures:

A. Compliance with this policy is grounded in informing and educating members of the college community and visitors about the policy. All members of the college community are encouraged, but not required, to assist in this endeavor to make MCLA tobacco free through courteous, respectful, supportive and non-confrontational efforts to inform any offending party of the existence of this policy and/or by requesting they adhere to its conditions.

B. Disciplinary measures will be reserved for repeat infractions or infractions that interfere with the college’s academic or workplace needs or responsibilities, consistent with applicable collective bargaining agreement procedures or the MCLA Student Handbook.

C. Visitors who fail to comply with the policy may be prohibited from remaining on or returning to campus.

D. Temporary policy exemptions (i.e.: for educational, clinical, demonstration, etc. purposes) not otherwise controlled by State law may be reviewed by the Vice President of Administration and Finance and if applicable, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, or their designees. 

*This Policy shall be subject to review at least annually. MCLA reserves the right to review and amend more frequently if needed.

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State Support Organizations

Massachusetts: 1-800-Quits

Vermont: 802Quits

New York: NYSmokeFree

Connecticut: Connecticut Quitline


Livestrong My Quit Coach

Smoke Free

Cessation Nation

Craving to Quit

For Employees


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