Environmental Science Minor
- ENVI 150H Honors Introduction to Environmental Systems 4cr
- ERTH 152 Introduction to Physical Geology 4cr
Select at least twelve credits of the following; at least six must have an ENVI prefix: 12cr
Environmental Science
- ENVI 320 Methods in Environmental Research 4cr
- ENVI 360 Special Topics in Environmental Science 1-4cr
- ENVI 401 Independent Research 1-3cr or ENVI 540 Internship 1-15cr
- BIOL 160 Introduction to Biology II: Organisms 4cr
- BIOL 324 Marine Biology 3cr
- BIOL 332 Bryology and Lichenology 4cr
- BIOL 334 Field Botany 4cr
- BIOL 341 Conservation Biology 3cr
- BIOL 353 Entomology 4cr
- BIOL 354 Ecology 4cr
- ENVI 225 Nature of New England 4cr
- ENVI/BIOL 351 Ornithology 4cr
- ENVI 375 Aquatic Ecology 4cr
- CHEM 150 Introduction to Chemistry I 4cr
- CHEM 152 Introduction to Chemistry II 4cr
Physical Science
- Upper-level ERTH courses
- ENVI 325 Geographic Information Systems 4cr
- ENVI 425 Adv Geographic Info Systems (GIS) 4cr
- PHYS 131 General Physics I 4cr
- PHYS 132 General Physics II 4cr
Environmental Studies (not more than 3 credits)
- BIOL 327 Plants and Society 3cr
- ENVI 152H Honors Environmental Sustainability 4cr
- ENVI 260 Green Living Seminar 2cr
- ENVI 305 Ecology and Management of the Adirondack Park 2cr
- ENVI 310 Politics and Environmental Policy 3cr
- ENVI 315/ECON 315 Environmental Economics 3cr
- ENVI 340 Environmental Law 3cr
- ENVI 350 Special Topics in Environmental Studies 1-4 cr
- ENVI 355 Everglades and South Florida 3cr
- ANTH 320 Eco Disaster and Cultural Imagination
- ENVI 352 Environmental Justice
Total Credits 20